"Guy, you remember the 1200 flathead I asked you about from Bristol? I found the Easyriders mag with the article. It's December 1984, issue 138. Jeff, the builder, worked with me at Cast Iron Motorcycles in Bristol from 1989 to 1992. He still had the flatty but built a rigid shovel so the flatty could come off the road for a rebuild. I lost contact with Jeff in about 98..."
If you have any info on Jeff or the bike, let us know (choppers@greasykulture.com) and we'll pass the info on to Keith.
Can't be deffo but the bike looks like one featured in a very early issue of BSH and I think Maz Harris may of written the article .
Guy, don't have any info but I really liked that bike. So when I saw your post I went ahead and scanned the article. Have a look here, I scan my favorite bikes.
BSH no 15 July '85. Story by Maz, pics by Ian Mutch.
Owner Jeff also built '79 Kent Show winner.
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