Strange, then, that creative genius Paul is using one of Falcon's bikes as a representation of his skills on 'Paul Jr Designs' t-shirts, available from his website.
This has to stop.
If you have a Blog, please repost this.
Check the Paul Jr Designs webshop... suddenly this design is 'sold out' (in other words removed). Job done... for now.
drowning man and straws come into the equation somewhere here.
Well, as my old WO2 Said, BULLSHIT BAFFLES BRAINS, just goes to show how money can destroy anything !!!
he is soooo geeky looking!
That is absolutely brilliant. What an absolute moral-free cock. Stronzo! G
So awesome. I want my bike on his t-shirt.
Perhaps Jr. has permission to use the image...
Does anyone know if he's using it illegally or if he's using it with permission?
enough said :-(
How "out of the loop" does one have to be, to use a bike from a company that has had tons of media coverage, and is well respected in their field, and claim it as his own? Doesn't Paul, as a "designer", have any of his own work to diplay on his t-shirts? Is this how one would earn the title: DORK?
Cheers, Dan.
ha ha, his own bikes ain't good enough for a T shirt!
ugly crackhead hauhauauauh
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