This feature was run by BSH in 1992, and believe me – with the exception of maybe Huggy and a couple of others – no one was riding bikes like this or rockin' the Loveless look in the UK back then.
I loved this bike, and still do – why I still have these pages, I guess.
Who are you, Flathead Phil? And what are you riding now?
oh my god what a hero!!!!
Where is he now???
Sissy bar...21 incher up front...black n flames...?
Damn there is no price on being cool.
Had those same pages on my bedroom wall ages ago.. this WL is also featured (what a surprise..not) in the book by J.Caroll & G.Stuart, both of BSH fame. Published first in '94, it's called "H-D 45s, workhorse and warhorse published" and published by Osprey Automotive. According to them the bike was build by a dude called Steve Studd..
Greetings, Ralph.
Ralph, I have that book too... and Caz wrote another one I have somewhere called 'Chopped Harleys' which is actually not bad. Wonder what happened to him?
Hi, I took the pics in the Flathead Phil feature for BSH.
It was a nice surprise to come across the tearsheets on the GK blog after all this time.
Caz and I went on to do a whole range of books on Harley,Indian, British M/cycles,Hot rods Pick ups etc....
We still work together today having just published a feature on Off Roading Willys Jeeps in Classic & Sportscar mag.
Caz still has his Flamed Harley 45 Chopper stashed away in a lock up.
Cheers, Garry Stuart
I'm flattered to read these posts... To answer your question, I'm still about and doing stuff - just back from the Hot Rod Drags at Avon Park. My head's still in the fifties and sixties although I've spent a lot of time with early Land Rovers and flat fender Jeeps in between a decade's commuting to and from London. Still got the 45 chop but bought a Sportster then an FXDLI as after the spell at BSH and then LTR I just wanted to ride around. Got to Spain, France, Scotland and Ireland on the newer Harleys and after a period of 'transition' - some major life changes - I'm looking forward to doing more stuff again.
I've still got that article stashed away as well..
John, you still got that Land Rover rod??? I met you at the Hayride a couple of years ago, you turned up in an old flatfender.. I used to be part of Brit Chopper and wanted to do a feature on it for the mag..
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