You might have seen excerpts from this book before... it's very hard to find and has been featured on here as well as Nostalgia on Wheels over the years. The cover doesn't really give away how much cool old chopper stuff there is inside... not mention all the flat track photos and drag racing coverage.
I was lucky enough to find a copy (cheap!) after being given a heads-up by my friend René in Australia, the only other person I know with a copy! It was published in '67 by the huge Petersen publishing company in California, and edited by Bob Greene, who was at one time or another editor of both Cycle and Motorcyclist magazines; he was also responsible for introducing bikes into Hot Rod magazine during a stint there. He was inducted into the AMA hall of fame in 2007.
Anyway, I'll post a few highlights from the book over the months... these spreads include some nice shots of Dick Hirschberg, described here as a "member of the old school"... in 1967!
In case you can't read the type, Dick's Knucklehead features flathead flywheels (to make it 80"), big valves, Herbert cam, MC forged pistons, 19" front wheel and a Hummer gas tank. It "pulled a strong 130mph at old Glendale M/C speed trials held at El Mirage"!
1 comment:
Hey Guy, that flashy pan with the short girder in the second set of pics on the left side is "Quicksilver", a strip/show bike. It is a really incredible machine, I have an article on it in an old street chopper magazine, I believe, I'll have to send you the scans.
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