I think he writes for The Horse magazine, and to be honest much of the book is of no interest to me. But there are a few gems in there, all from Dale Walksler's 'Wheels Through Time Museum'. (From the top) 1925 JDCB cutdown (described as a '24 JDCA in the book), 1928 JDH Two Cam, '37 UMG TT Special and early forties Knucklehead bitsa. There's some very interesting info in the book about these machines (I won't breach copyright even further by relaying it all here) and it makes me even more determined to one day get to Dale's amazing museum.
Check out his videos on YouTube; here's one of my favourites: Dale giving that JDCB some stick...
Great bike, great story.
That museum is awesome, worth whatever you have to do to get there.
so cool
I've been to Wheels Through Time and can recommend it highly. Dale Walksler is a genuinely helpful and interesting guy. He allowed me to take any bike out of the museum into the sunshine for photo shoots.
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