Look at any photos taken at UK festivals from the late '60s to early '70s, and you'll see the emergence of apes on otherwise stock British bikes, surplus WWII German helmets, homemade MC patches... and even real choppers.
I'm researching a piece for the mag on this period (with the gratefully-received help of guys who were there in the thick of it like Quaffmeister)... should be good.
If you have any photos from that period, please get in touch.
I had that mag!, that cover pic,that looks like his legs are a bit short! Its like yesterday. Gone in the box with the rest.
Looking forward to it, a freer time maybe..
You should do an article on New World Library paperbacks as well.
A very British thing.
Sorry meant New English, but you knew what I meant eh!
Guy, this is the look I'm going for with my SB&F build, I love those tough, stripped down greasy hippy machines!
Who you calling a Greasy Hippy !!!!
I'm rather partial to greasy hippy machines: http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f168/tiptopdadddy/?action=view¤t=007-1.jpg#!oZZ91QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs47.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Ff168%2Ftiptopdadddy%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D004.jpg%26
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