SOLD: Bates ribbed seat: SOLD: no rips, tears or repairs in leather, which is still supple with just the right amount of wear. Good label on seat pan, leather is stamped 'Bates'. Cover looks like it has been re-attached at some point using original screws, but this in no way compromises the look or feel of the seat.
Email me at for a price and shipping quote. I ship anywhere in the world... fast, tracked service.
1967 Electra Glide: All H-D, no pattern parts. Very original. Try finding another one like this in the UK! Import duties paid, but not yet registered. £8k. Genuine enquirers please email Gordon on or call him on 07762 678364.
Oh no , i love the Glide, is it local, please say no !
It's got your name on it Pete... give Gordon a bell!
dont go near it, I am thinking you must be building some british monster and that youd better not lose focus
I had a word with myself i'm over it now.
Thanks for the thought Pete, for anyone else just south of London
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