Tuesday, January 1

Let's look forward... and always back

Everyone reached 2013 now? Good.

Then happy new year to you all.

Who knows what the new year may bring? Well, in our case, we know it will continue to bring you the most interesting traditional custom motorcycles – and the odd car – on the planet.

This, for example, is Takeshi's '49 Hydra Glide, which you'll be able to read about in the new issue, out on February 1st.

We'll be changing a bit for the next one after 30 issues. But in the important ways, we won't be changing at all. So let's look forward to a new year... and continue to look back to the best of years past.


  1. Happy New Year Guy! Lookin forward to whats in store!

  2. HNY to you mate....hopefully we might see you here for a visit this year.....
