Monday, December 3

Broken bones

What is it with accidents and broken bones recently?

First my friend Roger in Oz broke both arms a few weeks ago when a car turned suddenly in front of him... his newly built Shovel now needs rebuilding again. Then my wife broke her ankle when our son suddenly stopped his scooter in front of her. And then I heard that Caleb Owens had broken his leg in a bike accident in LA.

Caleb as you know is a top-notch bike builder; he is an intelligent and nice man who is talented in many other areas too, working in the movie business and making his own beautifully crafted parts. I cnn't to claim to know him well, but well enough to appreciate how difficult it must be for such a focused and busy guy – with a new baby – to deal with a bad accident like this, even without the pain and rehab that goes with it.

My thoughts are with him and everyone out there who is down but not out. Heal soon. Roll on 2013.


  1. Yep, seems there's a lot of distracted drivers out there. You guys on 2 wheels are taking a real beating.

  2. Well mate, I think it's as simple as people are driving around even more distracted than usual, at this time of year. The woman that hit me, was in a hurry to get to the mall, didn't even look.....she also didn't see the bright yellow cop car that was behind me at the time! The Shovel will be back on the road by the end of January.

  3. Roger, shoot me an email at I'll fix you up with some viewing material while you arms get better.....on seconds thoughts, get someone else to email me at the above addy. I'm guessing you're not in a typing mood!
