Monday, November 12

Sexy stripper

This bike stirs something primeval in me. As far as I can tell it's a late '20s D-series flathead and it was spotted racing around the Kala speedway in Sarpsborg, Norway by our man Rolf van Otterdijk.

We have a feature coming soon! Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. yes that is a 29 dl 1st year of the "45". The generator is removed they don't like high revs it eats the bevel gears that drive it. which i think in 32 it was moved to the front of engine. In 30 they also changed to a i beam frontend and changed the frame. these bikes were built off the model B platform to compete with the indian scout. Cool bike I'm piecing one together . Lots of these bikes and singles are in europe. Can't wait to see full spread. Great inspiration for me!
