Benny won Best of Show, of course, with this sweet and perfect little Honda digger.
If the theme of the event was 60s/70s showbikes (it was!) then there were only two bikes in the running for me, and I couldn't give the prize to Andy P!
Of course, Benny has already won a GKM Best of Show for his Pan at the Hayride a couple of years back, but fuck it... he has led the way for the chopper scene in the UK for years now and deserves all the kudos he gets.
Lovely bike (I hate diggers) and reliable too (I hate Hondas). Well done Benny!
Oh, and if you want to buy this glorious show winner... it's for sale!
Contact details:
07913325297 or 01562730429 or email Benny at
Mate, your ability to be objective despite strongly held personal opinion is a refreshing and worth noting ability . . . would that those often empowered with the task of judging, writing articles or just enjoying the rides and work of others had the same capability.