Friday, August 3

The joy of text

If you know me well, you will know I teeter constantly on the edge of despair and ruin with GKM. It is genuinely a labour of love, and if I dared to work out the number of hours I spend on it divided by the income it generates, I would – no joke – get a proper job tomorrow.

Which is the reason I don't work it out.

When people email me to say how much they have enjoyed the latest issue or how they have bought the mag from day one, it can change my outlook completely: from planning when to fold the magazine to planning content for the next issue.

But occasionally I enjoy a moment of clarity and allow myself a tiny bit of self-congratulation: usually when I'm perusing one of the 'proper' magazines you can buy on the newsstand. I suddenly realise how good – really good – many of us independents are compared to the dross that's fed to the public by the big publishers.

It's a joy every time DicE or Sideburn comes through the door: the invention, creativity and production quality have not been stifled and undermined by accountants and fuckwit editors. What you get is unadulterated, undiluted content direct from the minds of the creators of these titles; no compromise, just their message in photos and words, directly to you with love and the sweat of their brows.

I don't want to create any 'poor me' impression: people buy what is good and what they want and like, and I don't expect any special attention or favours because GKM is a kitchen table publication. And as such, GKM and its sister indie publications have to earn their readers' loyalty like any other magazine.

But next time you pick up a bike magazine at the newsagent, feel the quality; count the ads; look at the articles; ask yourself whether what it's offering you is what you deserve or really want? And if there is any doubt in your mind, try one of the indies. I absolutely guarantee you will not be disappointed.


  1. Independence and suffering for your 'art' seem to go hand in glove, but rest assured the joy it brings is exponential to the pain it puts you through. I only wish I'd taken the plunge sooner and I feel a tad pissweak for not having done so, keep at it mate, bloody brilliant stuff, but only all the time. Cheers.

  2. Having been a 'fuckwit editor' of some commercial newsstand magazines - BSH, LTR, LRW, 4x4 etc - I have some sympathy for your point of view but would add that it's often budgets, publishers and advertisers whose demands constrain content and direction, covers and design and more. These days I see thing from the other side of the fence as the editor of an 'independent' of sorts - an award-winning club mag that I edit and I agree with your comments about satisfaction. However, there's one thing I'd say about some independents about the automotive/custom two and four-wheel scene. Let me be clear, the mag in question is not in your photo above but it is so badly designed and poorly written that it's a waste of trees. It is very disappointing indeed so bear in mind that not all the independents are great or as good as their purchasers deserve. Caz

  3. GK is hands down, the best digest sized motorcycle magazine available today. Period.

    I always enjoy reading it can't wait to get home to see the latest issues waiting for me.

  4. Caz, 'fuckwit editors' was a bit harsh and I had no one particularly in mind with the comment.

    As I said, independents shouldn't be judged more worthy merely because of their independence... but they shouldn't be overlooked either.

    And I take your point... some of the self-published 'magazines' out there are laughable.

    WP and Michael... thanks gents.

  5. Ya know my thoughts on ya rag Guy, second to none mate.
    If you have any flyers etc like you had Issue 11(postcard sorta thing)I'll do a mail drop for you.
    Keep up the great work.

  6. and this is why a stopped readin 100% welly wangers n back street cammo boys.dice,gcm,show class keep on keepin on.

  7. IRISH RICH, DR. SPROCKET, FRANK KAISLER....just to mention the side columns. You have had some of the best in the world in this kitchen top magazine. Now get to work on the new issue Guy! Whatcho talking about folding, this muppet gots ta have his GKM!!!


  9. Never surrender Guy ! (this was initially a lot longer comment but really that's all it boils down to). You know my views.

  10. Enjoying every page of every issue.....
    Thank you so much for sticking to it and educating every lucky reader WHO is fortunate enough to have picked up a copy of your wonderfull mag. I sit around waiting the arrival of the next one as soon as i have finished the last.

    I limit myself to 2 pages pr day, which makes the whole thing last longer.

    Thanks Guy for making old bikes and great events, the star of the show.

  11. we love you guy and we love dean and matt and ben and gary.....and some others too.

  12. Mate, you hit the nail on the head. Things just wouldn't be the same without you bruv. There are those days when I'm looking at the bank account and then looking at the bills and I'm all Like "oh god! I'm going back to plumbing" then I'm like "but I love this" and then I go for a ride and then I'm ok for a little bit.
    Best 3 mags on the planet. Just saying.

  13. Just Got my first issue, and its totally killer! Thanks bro!


    You know what i think, you know what i think you should do, and know what i will think of you if you do the thing i think you should not do.......
