Monday, August 20

Hey Mr DJ

Got your Trip Out tickets yet? Go on, buy one today. You don't want to miss me on the decks at the DicE party do ya?

It's going to be Don Letts at the Roxy all over again.


  1. Envious as hell, you must've seen all 'the' gigs I used to drool over in NME and Sounds, too good Mr DJ.

  2. I wish! Wasn't old enough for most of them.

  3. Nice one! Enjoyed your "van disco" at the HH. Can I put in an early request for Clash, Maytals, Stooges and a shout out to aunty Maureen who will be in Wolverhampton general having her verruca cauterized...

  4. Mike, you're very kind... considering I had two CDs in the van, 'blues' and 'rockabilly'!

    I will be playing everyone you mention. Guaranteed.
