Monday, August 13

Battling cops and the Prince of Darkness

A couple of years ago, a bunch of my good friends decided to drive in convoy to Portugal, a couple of them in Phil's '64 MGB. Let's sum up the trip by saying that it didn't prove to be a, ahem, reliable car.

Undaunted, Phil decided this weekend to drive the car down to Kent from Hartlepool where it had been gently rusting in a lock-up (long story). Accompanied by Pat, he was due to call in on his way south mid-morning.

So when I got a text at lunchtime asking me to source a coil for a '64 MGB, I wasn't surprised.

Long story short, they eventually turned up at my place and promptly got pinched by our local copper for no tax disc. Funny how they're never around at midnight when there's a fight going on outside your house, eh?

Then I rode with them into town to pick up the coil I'd sorted out. But their problem turned out to be the condenser.

The MGB has been hinting all along, and Phil's now taking it. He's getting a valuation on the car this week.


  1. Prince of Darkness, metal worm, cops . . . they are definitely the signs you need to be following.

  2. ACAB.
    It's free tax anyway, the fucking jobsworth. Well done Officer, for lowering my esteem of you even further.

  3. Where were the lucky knitted zombie eggs when you needed them Phil ?
