Monday, June 25

Well Dodgy

Finally got the Dodge panel truck home today. Hacked off to say the least to find I had no working brake lights or indicators as soon as I got onto the road... no doubt something simple but after paying a hefty bill to get the truck roadworthy I wasn't best pleased.

As I had to pick up the Pan from Rich Millard (after the bike's post-run in checks and tighten-ups) on the way back up north, he grabbed some tools and discovered no power was getting to the brake switch; quick piggy-back off another switch and it was one problem solved, at least.

The Dodge drives pretty well for a 54 year old commercial; the Camaro front clip offers just enough civilisation to make it a potential daily driver. And I still lurvvve the way it looks.

1 comment:

  1. Without a doubt the sexiest, toughest and coolest rig of its type ever . . . Hot Wheels should put out a version, enjoy it mate, unreal !!
