Friday, June 1

Stuff the jubilee

You'd expect nothing less from me, right?

I said it in 1977, and I say it now.

After living in a progressive republic for ten years, I am even more repulsed by the women in pearls and men in windsor knots who live off our hard-earned taxes, values still immersed in the nineteenth century, struggling to even relate to the 21st... or any sort of reality that we'd recognise.

If you're a subscriber, your magazine will arrive late because we have two spurious public holidays in a row to encourage us to forget the woeful state of the economy for a weekend and hang out the bunting.

Me? I'll be watching Punk Britannia tonight and spinning the Pistols for old time's sake.

God save Jamie Reid.


  1. Guy my friend. Cheer up. We too can hang out the bunting!!

  2. Brilliant. Wish I had some of that for this weekend...


  4. We love the Queen in Australia we even voted to keep her.

  5. Wes, not many I met in Oz love the Queen, or at least someone on the other side of the world being their head of state.

    1. Your right Guy most people don't love the queen. Little Jonny Howard rigged the question of the referendum so the majority would vote to keep the queen. The other option was to have a President that was chosen by the politicians. So we contine to live in a country with the head of sate in another country with a flag that has another countries flag on it. That's why we all love the queen. It's Jonny's fault. I didn't vote for her.

  6. Guy, it's a weird thing, the anti monarchy fervour has subsided since the referendum, it was so omnipresent and now it's off in the distance, apathetic, many of us Aussies, mind you, I think Wes was taking the Republican piss. I dare say it would be radically different if the whole monarchy/Eton Rifles palava was in our face as it is over there, set against the societal inequalities in the U.K, must be almost like '77all over again, maintain the rage, cheers mate.

  7. I'm with you Guy, it's time this outdated crap was flushed away like an unwanted turd. The fact that this crap is more popular than ever, just shows how fucked the citizens are in their love of distraction. It reminds me of Roman times....'give the masses circuses to keep their minds off the fact their lives are going down the shitter'. The sad thing is the sleepy masses just lap it up.....all this so-called reality TV too. Instead of living life, people have become voyeurs in the lives of others. Rant rant rant!

  8. Actually, all profits from the crown estate go to parliament each year, about £220 million, in return for an annual payment of about £35 million. So they don't really live off our taxes at all.

  9. Milo, 'profits from the crown estate' says it all... the whole concept of monarchy is an anachronism, at least in the reality I inhabit.


    President Thatcher V Queen Elizabeth
    President Major V Queen Elizabeth
    President Blair V Queen Elizabeth
    President Brown V Queen Elizabeth
    President Cameron V Queen Elizabeth

    you choose while you go ride your beautiful motorcycles and quit your bitchin'

  11. Indeed an anachronism that posits the notion that some people are born superior to others. Seem to be very few republicans unfortunately.

  12. Typical socialistic whining !!!

    Long live the Queen !!!!

    Be fucking proud !!!!

