Thursday, April 26

Dr Sprocket is ready to operate

You may know him from the great photos he took in the sixties and posted on 4Q (like the one above), on Applied Machete or the the article he wrote about the history of bobbers on Occhio Lungo... you may even have seen his bike when we featured it in a past issue of GKM.

But now I'm pleased to say that Rich Ostrander, aka Dr Sprocket, will be starting a regular column in the next issue of GKM (#27), bringing you his first-hand experiences of fifty years in the saddle... and the chopper scene back when everything was radical and new. 

The Doctor writes: "Guy said it's my turn in the barrel. Frank Kaisler and Irish Rich are two hard acts to follow. I'll be putting down some tales and photos of yesteryear's modified machines, their riders... and adventures of both. I come from a small northwestern town in Pennslyvania less than 100 miles due south of Irish Rich's first home  and about 150 miles due north of Oakland Max's first. Dad brought us out via Route 66 in a Model A in 1950 to settle in Torrance, Socal. My High School was on the corner of Artesia Blvd. and Atlantic Blvd. in North Long Beach. I graduated in '66 with draft papers in hand. Got back in '70 and moved to Norcal in '75. In over 40 years of building and riding modified motorcycles I've been lucky enough to be in many places at just the right time to see many great machines and talk to their riders and or builders. You'll meet some of them on the pages of GKM. We grey beards need to pass on these tales to the younger riders that are following in our oil spots. See you down the road, Rich."


  1. Looking forward to the column - that photo with the two guys on the chop was taken about a mile from my house - there's a freeway there now...

  2. Exellent coup Guy, look forward to the first instalment.

  3. That's cool for both of ya.

    I'm somehow missed that photo when it was on Max's blog. I've seen it on a bunch of others and wondered about it's roots.

  4. Oh Man, this is going to be GOOD!!!!!!! Awesome Job Guy, and thanks for doing this Dr. Sprocket!

  5. Damned. I`m looking forward to this. Dr. Sprocket is a hero sharing his knowledge from yesterdaze with us.

