Tuesday, April 17

Club class

This is probably my favourite HA England bike from the ones I've seen at shows and in mags over the past 20 years... Bjorn's Evo.

These photos are from the 1997 'Big Red Machine' mag.


  1. I agree with you and I'm glad you like it 'cos I shot it for Caz Carroll. I used to go under the name of 'Davis' in LTR which arose out of Caz and My obsession with the film 'The Loveless'.
    Garry Stuart aka Davis

  2. Oh yes I just remembered that Maz Harris penned the words for this feature. Unfortunately it was the last time that Maz and I did anything together. Also Caz and I would not have dared come up with that title!

  3. Thanks Garry... I wondered who 'Davis' was!

  4. I remember that shoot Guy Willies frisco bike that always one best HA bike at Kent and Maz's Shovel would float your boat I think will chuck pics on FB for you

  5. Kind of stood the test of time, no?

    Hope all is well Guy.

  6. I'm always flattered when something I had a hand in is well regarded with years of hindsight.
    The Big Red Machine mag days were great fun and the guys including Bjorn, Maz, Windsor Ted and the others were gents to a man.
    I still have (and treasure) Maz's typewritten copy for this feature with handwritten corrections scrawled onto it.
    Thanks, Caz
