Friday, February 24


As I sit here laying out issue 26, iTunes is on shuffle in the background. It's strange how certain songs pop up and immediately conjure up a feeling or a memory.

When Conrad asked for this song at the punk rock bar in Tokyo at some ungodly hour in the morning after many, many hours' enjoyment of Japan's frothiest beers, the place erupted. Suddenly a bunch of men of a certain age (and Dean) were taken back to their youth... and that bar is the closest I've experienced to a gig since the seventies.

Brilliant. If I go back to Japan this December, that bar – and great anthems like this – will be a must-do yet again on the itinerary.

This one's for you Con!


  1. He he, Jake and the lads tearin it up !! Only heard Alt Ulster this morning . . . . weird.

  2. Funny thing about this song and being of a "certain age". This tune as covered by Naked Raygun brings back many happy memories of my youth as well.

  3. I admit I had to look Naked Raygun up! Weird to cover a song that is so specific to the band that wrote it and the environment/country they come from.

  4. Great Night ... Epic head injury ...

  5. Oh mate, we have had a few mental nights in that place right? I wonder if that bloke pouring the beers and spinning the disc's is ever going to let us back in?
    Matt xx
