Friday, January 27

The new issue 25... and five years of GKM

The new issue ships to subscribers early next week... so if you want to get your order in early, get to our webstore now!

It's exactly five years since issue one rolled off the presses...

Denis and his amazing VL-Panhead are on the cover of the new one, along with:

Ryan Cox’s ’68 TR6
Hach’s Knucklehead chopper
Anthony Robinson’s survivor T100 custom
The 20th Mooneyes show, Yokohama - big photo spreads
English Don and the second incarnation of the Babylon Taxi
Two friends, Terry and Mike... with two '37 big twin flatties
Karl Stehn’s ‘78 Bonnie chopper, from Oz
Stuart Symonds’ bare metal ‘75 Shovel
Spice Motorcycles' GKM Award-winning ‘44 Knuck, from Tokyo

Hope you enjoy it.

And don't forget, if you want to help us celebrate our fifth birthday, there's one place you need to be on 3rd February.


  1. 'appy 5th burpday GKM!! look like another cool issue is winging its way to us! looking forward to it!
