Sunday, November 13

Rollerburn... it's next weekend!

There's never been an event like it... and if you haven't bought your tickets yet, do it now!

I can't tell you how much I admire Ben and Gary for putting this on... for getting right away from the stale jester-hats-and-metal-bands custom bike show formula. It's been a huge amount of work (something I could never be arsed to do), so buy a ticket and support something good.

There will be – amongst other things – bands, birds on rollerskates being pulled by blokes on motorcycles (wasn't it always the way?)... and Guy Martin!

Stop by the Eat the Rich/GKM stand and you can buy goodies from Pete and Ali... including our new t-shirts, stickers and copies of the mag.

To buy your Rollerburn tickets, go here. And there's more information about the event here.

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