Saturday, July 2

The lure of a bad black Sportster

Everyone loves what Steve's done with his '68 Sporty, and no wonder: they have a brutal, timeless appeal.

I rode this 80/81 XLS ironhead to Europe and back two up, to work and back every day, to rallies on the weekends, and I never had one problem with it despite an almost complete lack of maintenance.

Riverside shirt, check. New engineer boots, check. Chain wallet, check. Break-your-head stare, check. Well, it was 1992.


  1. Yup, I've owned 5 Ironheads. Each of them were dead reliable and bullet-proof. Sportsters can take abuse like no other bike. Love 'em.

  2. I should have my bad black IH ready to rock by the end of the week!
