Friday, June 3

Star hubs are the bane of my life

I've so nearly bought some of those Timken bearing hubs on many occasions, but I prefer the pain of grappling with the old and unrefined.

I have to make a working hub out of bits from a few wheels scattered around the shed... soon. My supposedly 'freshly rebuilt' star hub on the 21 up front evidently isn't quite as described...


  1. I need schooling in hubs- tried to get mine apart ages ago and was bitterly defeated. I'll try remember what went on and why and you can tell me how to do it properly soon.

  2. We were right! Which means bearings...

  3. I'm In your boat guy, I'm piecing together a 18 right now and have about 57% of the guts but need to rob Peter to pay Paul on some other stuff to make it right.

  4. That's shitty luck Guy.....I had problems with my rear star hub,that was also supposed to have been rebuilt by someone who knows what they're doing. Pete from PHD sorted it out and was showing me the problem, a spacer was put in incorrectly. He also emphasised the importance of getting the shims just of those jobs done enough times....Pete said it's trial and error with getting it right. Perhaps yours was too tight and stuffed the bearing.

  5. Stars look great, but I've always thought the sealed bearing hub that came out in 67 to 72(?) was the best hub Harley made. If they gave problems you just replaced the bearings and go. No worries about bearing surfaces, races, or end play.
