Monday, June 13

Our gift to you... it's ISSUE 2!

More often than you might imagine, we get an order from someone who buys every single back issue in one go. They may have bought the latest issue first, then decided to complete their collection after realising just how brill GKM is.

(That's called blowing your own trumpet.)

So we're going to reward people who show big love for the magazine.

Having discovered half a dusty box of GKM issue 2 in our storeroom this morning (I thought we'd sold out of every copy), we are now going to give away a rare copy of issue 2 to every customer who spends $100 or more on one order.

They won't be for sale, and when they're gone, they really are gone.

Thank you all for your support. If you didn't keep buying it, we couldn't keep making it.

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