Friday, June 10

Look what arrived this morning

Got a new H-D Street Bob on loan for a while... taking it on a bit of an adventure next week to put it through its paces.

It's the newest Harley I've ridden by about 20 years, so it'll be an interesting experience. What are those funny little yellow lights for?


  1. Gotta say, I have one myself and it's actually a pretty decent bike once you get used to having an engine management system and strip off a few kg of un-necessary accessories...

  2. i had one a few years back when they came out - i liked it as a reliable hackabout. well played getting a loan of one - see you on it at the linkert then?

  3. Even he noticed this was cleaner, brighter, quieter and less oily than daddy's usual bike.

  4. you'll be wearing the yellow "road captain" jacket with than then will you...... ;)

  5. If you can lend me one, Rowan... ;)

  6. Geez mate, the next thing you know, the Pan will on e-bay and you'll be wearing chaps!
