Sunday, February 27

Another satisfied customer

I have to admire people who are actually angrier than me. I don't come across them often.

Steve had been waiting just over two weeks for his magazine (the usual delivery time to the USA). I still refunded him (and hoped he'd enjoy the magazine) as I don't want to be responsible for anyone's aneurism, Bro!


  1. I sent a small seat to the USA on 5th Jan and it was finally delivered last week. A pair of engine plates took a month and i have just noticed a company on Ebay who say they will not currently ship to the US due to the post delays. The delays are in the states not here, nobody seems to know why.
    Steve sort out your bloody postal service bro..

  2. a friend in NY sent me a small parcel of goodies and i reciprocated about a week later... 4 months later the one he sent me was returned to him and a week later the one i sent him turned up.... obviously we were happy they had not dissapeared but ... really WTF is that all about !!!

  3. i bought a mag off ebay and the guy posted it and gave me a tracking number... when i chased it up the article had been received in texas at the post office in september arrived at sydney GPO on March 11 2010 and i got it March 13 2010.

    hey steve, relax brew.

  4. what a twat, just cancel his subscription... permanently... lifetime ban

  5. Makes it all worthwhile, eh?
    But the post to the US is terrible. They're scanning everything I've heard. Not much fun if you're in the mail order game. G

  6. A couple of months ago I bought two copies of Another world of chopper at Mooneyes Japan.It took 5 days to get it.Great!Butt on the other hand,got an old headlight from The Draggers at Germany and that took almost 3 weeks!Don't blow up when it takes some time,just give it a little patience..

  7. Wow, That's nut's mate... I'm with Milo lol.

  8. Nice Guy. I work retail in my own shop. Sush a pleasure dealing with joe public sometimes. I recommend a 'Go Fuck Yourself' as an alternative reaction with customers like that. So satifying sometimes.

  9. as a ups employee i say give us a go. it may cost more but it will get there timely. parts wise. but mags would cost and arm in a leg though Guy

  10. Here in Indonesia, we have a shitbox for a post office, USPS works wonders in comparison. From issue 1 till 19, Guy hasn't failed me yet (neither has the shitbox, by the way).

    Chill out man. Otherwise have it shipped by DHL or Fedex.

  11. Hey Bro, chill the fuck out!
    I live in Italy where the postal service is notoriously shite. My greasy culture magazines sometime arrive a bit late, but hey they always arrive and it's ALWAYS worth the wait.
    Keep up the good work Guy!

  12. I received issue 19 BEFORE 18 came! Guy is a man of his word and was ready to send me another copy of 18 but I didn't want him to do that so I decided to wait another couple of weeks. 18 came the next day. I was a lot nicer that Steve though. Being a business owner sucks sometimes, but Guy will aways put you first.

  13. you just cant beat kevin costner, quality service is a thing of the past, ho hum.

  14. We get that sort of email every now and then about all sorts of stuff. It depends on my mood how I reply! If it's 2am at the end of a lousy day, they're kinda out of luck!

  15. The USPS is definitely on a rampage these days. I ordered a shirt out of the UK and it was shipped on 30 Dec and I didn't get it to my door until 30 Jan.

    We've even had some issues with Hinckley Triumph parts getting stuck in customs lately. Not cool.

  16. Brilliant, made me laugh a lot!!!!!!
