Wednesday, October 27


You decide.


  1. I thought Pete was your Janitor!!!
    (only kiddin' Pete)

    Guy, you have a humble opinion of yourself and your accomplishments & abilities

    For one person to do what you do is simply astonishing!!

    Nuff said..

    BTW You look 40lbs lighter in that pic guy

  2. Not too sure if I can make a judgement about who`s a Dork , as I think I`m probably one !
    But , I can tell you what I think GK has got right , where most of the others go wrong . Just like you say in that article , Guy , the story should be about the owner , with the bike/car details coming as a result of that , not the other way round .
    GK ~ definitely my fave magazine .
    (`fave` ????......see , I told you I was a dork .)

  3. Dork: Dedicated, Original, Rebellious, Kool.

  4. Oh man, now someone is going to think I made that last comment as 'anonymous'! (Even though every word is spot-on...)
