Tuesday, June 22

Good to go

While I was visiting Kiyo at Garage Company, he made up a new throttle cable for the Pan and Matt soon had it running again. One of the many joys of the SoCal lifestyle is that all things bike-related are on your doorstep. I've just bought a few basic spares for my ride to Linkert Attacks in France this week... and had to order them from Holland!

Matt's garage is super-cool, and I spent a long time nosying around his treasures (ooer, missus). There will be a feature on his bikes in the mag soon... peppered with some very interesting biking tales from over the years.

1 comment:

  1. too bad you didn't have time to make it down to san diego . I was camping with the family and obviously didn't make the show , but them's the breaks .

    maybe next time !
