Wednesday, February 10

Getting the axe

If there's one thing I love almost as much as old motorcycles, it's old guitars. Got some of mine out on the weekend as they've been lacking love recently.


  1. Thought you were going to say you'd got your axed tanks back !

  2. Just swapped my '62 strat for a Sporty.... wanna buy my last one Guy... mid 30's 'International Dobro'....

  3. Did you crank that dial all the way to 'Wild Dog' mate? Glenn

  4. YEah! There's something about old wood and wire, the looks, the smell, the feel, the sound...That wild dog setting is the greatest! I always wanted a Bison bass.

    I finally started playing again, i missed my '70 P-bass. It's like strapping on an old boot.

  5. I got a similar fetish for old amps...and I mean old!!
