Friday, January 29

Pals in the press

These guys are mentors for me when it comes to putting a great bike together... and they've both recently received even more well deserved press coverage for a couple of their bikes that we've previously featured. Pete's Triumph is in the new BSH, and Johnny's WLC was in the last issue of BigTwin.

Nice work, fellas.


  1. i find both pete's and Johnny's work very inspirational... both the engine work and the aesthetic looks of these 2 bikes are great...

  2. Haha. International fame at last! Now for a range of shoddy Taiwanese made merch, $30 autographs and 'Hot Wheels' Jive Bomber theme bikes. A few publicity generating twattings of paps "Darn the West End", quick stay in rehab and I'll be grinnin out of the front cover of every 'Bella' mag in Sainsburys. World domination - you are mine!

  3. You mean that's not happening already? That's the third mag you've been in... you're getting overexposed. Prepare for the Fleet Street backlash!
