Friday, December 18

If you just ordered a mag or t-shirt from Cali...

... or Oz, or anywhere hot, spare a thought for us at GK HQ. Don't think the Pan will be coming out today...


  1. This is the 'East Coast' effect in the UK!

    Nice and dry here in the West Midlands! :)

  2. I feel for you mate.. We are in the same situation in Spain... weather is terrible, down to 13ยบ and it RAINED! during the night... hahaha

  3. Yes the weather in Birmingham is cold but sunny! Sorry Guy...

  4. What is that white stuff?

  5. Haha, still waiting for my tee shirt here, and we had a 40 (104 F) degree day here just about a week ago ;)

  6. Ha. Take your time with the shirt mate. Its a bit hot here to be wearing a shirt for a bit. I'll spare a thought for you though while I sip a Coopers pale ale in 36 degree heat at the Scarborough hotel over looking the coast line on the old princess hwy. The beer is the closest thing we have to your cold at present.
    merry xmas from OZ.
