Wednesday, January 30

Help me

Is this your bike? Or do you know whose it is? Please comment below or email me at

Tuesday, January 29

Aussie K

This bike's got to have an interesting story, right? I met its owner Martin in Yokohama and my good friends in Oz Penny and Buzz have hooked up with him to shoot it for the mag. Funny how small the world's getting.

Monday, January 28


Not me. The motorcycle.

Another shot of me, Pepe and Billy (of Italian Choppers, with the GKM award at Verona) and a nice clear view of the primary side of this great bike.

Sunday, January 27

Rob's treasure trove

You may have noticed Rob White's ads in GKM. Rob's Used Harley Parts in Virginia is an Aladdin's cave of used everyday and rare Harley parts.

Friends in the UK have bought engines (titled, fully guaranteed) and gearboxes off him: he is happy to ship overseas. Why not try him next time you're looking for a motor, front end or tranny?

Saturday, January 26

The Castle Run – do not miss this one

This is one of the best events I went to last year. I'm not going to miss the next one. You shouldn't either.

Happy Australia Day

To my Aussie friends, hope you had a great day. I miss you all. I love this, the original version of the song by its writer Peter Allen. Forget the outfit, the mullet and the lip-synching on the video and bask in unashamed sentimentality. I do. And I'll be clutching my Aussie passport while I do.

Friday, January 25

This week, I will be mostly channelling George Formby

Toes out, shoulders hunched, monkey pout, double thumbs up.

Not a good look, but one for some unfathomable reason I adopted on stage at the MBE Verona. I blame the guy with the mic doing the introductions... obviously unimpressed by my English reserve as I handed over the award to Billy and Pepe, he urged me to look excited. Well, he asked for it.

Thanks (I think) to Billy for the photo. Check out the Italian Choppers website and you can see my speech: if you don't speak Italian, just speak English louder. Works for me.

Italian Choppers.

Thursday, January 24


Here's what you missed from Verona if you don't follow us on Instagram (greasykulture).

More blurry phone pics soon, you lucky people!