But what a weekend! If you could have come and didn't, wait until you hear the stories... you will regret not having made the effort.
My journey down consisted of one problem after another... disappearing tank top bolt, broken coil, running on one cylinder, complete cut-out, cool down, start the cycle again.
Finally I got there, a day late.
The weekend is a blur. Dean came over from the States, and I made the mistake of drinking with him on Friday night with the inevitable result. The Cycle Headz guys even came over from Japan to cover the event. People rode their bikes from Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, France and Sweden (good to meet you Paulie!). Superman Tosh was kept busy all weekend mending people's machines.
The Dook was a stroke of genius. I will never forget the sight of Panheads doing burnouts against the bar as bands played 20 feet away.
By the time I cleared my head enough to take a look at my limping Pan, it was making an ominous clattering sound from the overheated rear cylinder... thanks Bedders and Indian Tim for the diagnosis. I missed the ride out and ride home as a result. I hope it ain't gonna be too serious... and expensive. Neil loaned me a coil to try to get home, but I decided discretion was the better part of... you know.
If you rode to the party and enjoyed it, thank you so much for coming.
Big thanks to the Black Widows who pooled their many talents to make this weekend what it was. Many of them worked their arses off over many months to make Linkert Attacks! UK a success. You know who you are.
More photos when I get my head together
sounds like you had a good time despite the mishaps and problems mate...and really...thats what counts..
Amazing thing. Done with soul!
Hope your journey back was alright.
enjoy this!
what a party!!! Glad you got home and great to see you. Good luck with getting the bike back running. My head isn't going to be together for a while yet.
Awesome weekend, was good to finally meet you. Will send you some sample pics soon.
Perfect weekend,to everybody that had anything to do with the LINKART ,from the event orgaisers to the people who just turned up to party, THANKYOU.
I wasn't part of your weekend but what a brilliant bunch you all are! Loved all the bikes and the music. I took a whole heap of pics and if you want a look see you can go to www.lilygreenphotography.co.uk
Love n slush, Wendy x
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