Sunday, May 31
If I was going to buy a Triumph... would be this one. It's so... right. Built by Mike D (check out the fantastically entertaining 'Born Loser' blog, linked right).
New owner Damon let us shoot it for the mag a few issues back.
Friday, May 29
Cool trains
Cal cases, Chevy heads
Thursday, May 28
You know, when Dean and Matt first started their mag, I was cynical. I thought they were cashing in on a culture (kulture?) I was passionate about. I'd been into modified old Harleys for years, and felt prickly about people I felt who were outside that scene doing a mag about it.
How wrong I was. These talented blokes have not only gone from strength to strength with the quality of their magazine, but they've created a unique voice and a brand for DicE that many highly paid marketing departments would kill their grandmothers for. If they hadn't paid their bike-riding dues at the beginning, they sure as hell have now. They're a fully integrated part of the custom biking culture – inside, looking out. Not only that, but Matt D has proved to be generous with his advice to a fellow-mag maker.
I just hope they don't start writing grown up features or I really will have to give up this publishing lark...
Is our world ending?
A couple of things that I read yesterday made me wonder whether the world we inhabit as gearheads is about to end.
First, GM are facing bankrupty, and the news is that all GM manufacturing and sales staff will lose their jobs. I own a GM vehicle, so it's not great news for me either.
Second, the Isle of Man TT will run its first ever zero-emissions class this year. Battery and hydrogen-powered bikes will complete one circuit of the Island.
What's going to happen to the cars and sickles we all build and ride/drive?
As Fraser used to say in 'Dad's Army', "we're doooomed!".
Wednesday, May 27
Call this work?
1970 time machine
Tuesday, May 26
Police car
I like punk and I like Sham
I got nicked over at West Ham
I'm a fool, I guess it's true
For all I know, I'll be in the back with you
In a Police Car! Police Car! Police Car! Police Car!
Police come in one hour later
They've been looking for a guy named Freddy Jesper
Show me my freedom, they know I lie
For all we knew, we were going for a ride
In the back of a Police Car! Police Car!
Police Car! Police Car!
Monday, May 25
Are you a 'biker'?
Before you answer, consider this. Dan 'Bacon' Carr rode this super-cool homebuilt Knuck 12,000 miles over a number of months, around the USA, with nothing more significant than a broken belt to hold him up. At one point he rode 1000 miles from Ontario, Canada to Charlotte NC. Then he rode another 1800 miles to Sturgis... in under two days. On a rigid, jockey-shift, 70 year-old motorcycle.
Dan's a hero; and a nice guy too, genuine and humble. I spoke to him last night for the feature on his Knuck (photo by Josh Kurpius) in issue 10. He's just having fun, building and riding old bikes.
So, are you a real biker? After talking to Dan, I know I'm not!
Sunday, May 24
Friday, May 22
Can I kick it?
Well, no, sometimes you can't. The frustration shows on Nate's face. This Pan is badass! Can't wait to get it in the mag.
Check out Nate's Blog!
Wall of Death
Thursday, May 21
Roger's flathead
Boa George VII
I've always been interested in T.E. Lawrence, especially in relation to the Brough Superiors he owned. He had seven in all, and had actually ordered his eighth when he died. Lawrence named each bike 'Boa George' with a consecutive number. He died on 'Boa George VII' exactly 74 years ago this month. Boa is short for 'Boanerges', or 'sons of thunder'.
George Brough repaired the lightly damaged 'Boa George VII' himself after the fatal accident.
Wednesday, May 20
Barn-find Honda survivor
The Italian Job
I think I've used that cheesy headline for anything Italy-related in the mag so far ... lazy writer! But in this case, it's forgiveably apt, as we have been kindly invited by the lovely Alberto of Sinners Europe to his bash on the beach near Venice in July. Yes, it IS a job (and I won't say 'but someone has to do it').
Gallons of Peroni, good friends, nice bikes? I can't wait.
So Jeff Baer is out on his bike around Jersey and a friend asks him about the sticker, looks up the mag, then becomes a happy subscriber! They work!
We'll have some more soon: if you've got some of the first batch, we're not making any more of those designs, so save any unused ones for eBay in 50 years!
Speed Twin
Tuesday, May 19
Joycey's flattrack Trump
Monday, May 18
Josh Kurpius
How good a photographer is this guy? I've admired his work for a while now, and am stoked to have him shoot a piece fro GK. This is Bacon's Knuck; he's a well known character in chopping circles, and I was interested to see both he and Josh on the 'Free to Wander' DVD. I know this bike appeared in another mag, but I think it's worth revisiting ... with a more in-depth story and some fabulous shots. In issue 10!
I'm missing youuuu...
I haven't been bikeless for more than a few months since I was a kid, so it's rough not having something to lay my spanners on right now. I miss Pankenstein, and I miss my buddies in Sydney.
This shot was taken by my friend Wasko. It was a snap from the day he shot the bike for 'Ozbike', but I like the contrast between the mural and the building in front of me.
We're back ... just about.
It's been a tough few months, but finally we have a house, our dogs have arrived from Oz (with no jetlag; do dogs get jetlag?) and I'm online again. I'm also geting my shit together to answer emails, fulfil orders, get the new issue out and generally get back to being the consummately professional publisher I was before we moved, ha ha.
Anyway, thanks for your patience, and here's another sneaky peek at one of issue 10's treasures: Michael Nash's Triumph. Schweet!