Sunday, June 29

Steve Clark's Knuckle

Another gem from Iron Horse mag's glory days. Did I mention I used to like that magazine?

Steve Clark's Knuckle

Another gem from Iron Horse mag's glory days. Did I mention I used to like that magazine?

Tomas's '59

Got to be one of the nicest swingarm FLs I've ever seen.

Tuesday, June 24

Bloody oath

When I lived in the UK, I used to buy Ozbike & Live to Ride and think Aussie bikers looked gnarly. You still see characters like this at the Bankstown Show!


Here's another one I did a few years ago on my good friend Roger, who's sacrificed both arms to be my doodle pad. The yellow isn't jaundice, it's wiped ink from a traditional anchor I had just done on his upper arm.

The real story

Stumbled across this link:

Didn't realise until I read this page that outlaw biker porn was a genre of late sixties mag publishing!

Memory Lane

My first 'old' bike was a D1 BSA Bantam. That photo was taken in about '85? Note the spare oil and big chain and lock: it often broke down, which meant having to leave it all over London. By 1993 I'd ruined my gorgeous looks with facial hair, and had progressed to this '76 shovel, which I loved and was later stolen. This photo must have been around '94 because this photo appeared in the Iron Horse readers' pages that year! Wow, it made my day when I saw my letter had been published.

You scramble pretty well

I always loved Jack Nicholson's stripped Glide in 'Hells Angels on Wheels'.

Monday, June 16

Lattie Moore

I knew him for writing 'Juke Joint Johnny' (the rockin' faster version he cut was changed to 'Juke Box Johnny') but have since discovered his early up-tempo country stuff, which is great. Weird that I find hillbilly and old country the perfect accompaniment to '70s punk ...

Sunday, June 15


Wasko is Deputy Editor of Ozbike, one of the big three chopper magazines in Australia. And unlike the rest of the staff on the mag, Wasko ain't into billet, 'theme bikes' and fat rear tyres. He rides the snot out of his home-built Triumph, and he put this Evo together to ride longer distances with a lady friend.

Friday, June 13

A brother and his ol' lady say their piece

I bought this mag when I was a kid. Even then I was attracted to badness! It's a weird mix of Hells Angels, slightly wet UK chopper riders, sensationalist biker fiction, sidecar racing and Evel Knievel (or maybe that's cool, not weird?). Pity I ripped a few pages out to put on my bedroom wall, this goes for about $250 on eBay now.

Santa Cruzin' too

Twin discs! That mother was built to RIDE.

Santa Cruzin'

Iron Horse magazine #151, June 1997, one of the last few that David Snow edited, had this piece in it by Jason Jessee. I can't overstate how much this magazine influenced me; it changed my whole outlook on what 'bikers' were. I had the long hair and goatee, cutoff, engineer boots, and here were these guys in Aloha shirts, rocking full sleeves and Vans, riding the coolest choppers I'd seen. A replica of this shovel's stripey seat now sits on my Pan, and I could never remember where the influence came from (I thought it was Chopper Dave, but this mag's from way before I saw CD's website). I still read these old mags religiously.

Tuesday, June 3

Koffin Hopper

I like this crazy Triumph ... my bro just shot it for issue #7. Bendy fork, sparkly paint. And the builder, Wayne, from Scotland, is moving to Perth, the most isolated city in the world, so I wonder what bearing that'll have on his next creation.

You've got some neck

Check back a few pages to see Buzz's UL project when he bought it. He's just finished rehabilitating the frame, which had been raked by someone with about as much welding skill as me. His fabrication skills keep blowing me away ...


I was over punk by the time the Cockney Rejects arrived, but my brother and his mates were fully into them (and other great post-punk bands like Discharge and Crass). A friend of his from back in the day just sent me the first album, and it sounds as good now as it did then. Reminds me of my brief skin phase, wearing a Crombie and cherry-red Docs, going up the high street for a fight. Are you ready to ruck?